Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Doc B on Larry King

If anyone is interested, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, my doctor, will be on Larry King Live Thursday Oct. 15th. He will be on there with Ted Kennedy's doctor, Johnny Chochran's doctor, and Farrah Faucet's Doctor. You can't miss him, he's the one with the hypnotically-big nose...(which I'm told is where he keeps all his secrets).

I am on a medication that requires 6 pills, 4 times a day. It's designed to help you get rid of the ammonia levels in your blood. Too much ammonia in your blood is toxic and attacks the nervous system. Ammonia also makes you sleepy. Today I start an infusion that is supposed to attack the gene responsible for building blood vessels to feed tumors.
For a list of media clips, click here. Here's a blog from another patient I found.


Nana Sue said...

Drew you are amazing!! Oh that I could give you a blank check (you know if I could I would) I'm excited to donate and do what I can I sure love you Drew-skee xoxoxo!!!

JoyLynn said...

Thanks for the updates-they are greatly appreciated. You are in my prayers and you truly are amazing. Luv you!!!!