Thursday, September 11, 2008

Craft Night Killer

Hi everyone- This is Marisa, Eric Bills' wife. This picture is Drew today hanging out in between doses of chemo. I thought it would be nice to share the latest picture of him and a story. If you have spent much time with Drew, you know he likes craft night. Loves it. Well, when Eric and I were dating, there were a few craft nights with the buddies. They made all sorts of crafts together. After awhile, craft night dwindled a bit and one evening we headed up to my parents' house with all of the guys for a planned craft night. It was a lot of fun, but I don't think much crafting was accomplished. Drew recently sent my mom, Sue, an email reminding her of the attempted revival of craft night and gave her the nickname of "Craft Night Killer." My mom loves Drew as her own son, so she headed up to Huntsman Cancer Institute today to visit Drew and on the way stopped by Barnes & Noble and picked up what is the perfect redeeming gift:

He loved it and it reminded him of a pig he had made out of a milk carton as a kid. She spent an hour or so visiting with Drew and his mom. Her update is that he got his first dose last evening and it took a few hours to kick in. The nights are the hardest to deal with. Crazy dreams and such. He has another dose scheduled for tonight. Keep him in your prayers! Here is a picture of Drew and the Craft Night Killer:

He is feeling the love of all of us on the Facebook group and the comments he reads here. I keep him posted on the emails that I receive. Keep sending them and making comments! He loves to hear from everyone. We are still working hard on getting donations. If you have any ideas to help raise more money, send them our way! We got the book that we ordered from J. Kirk Richards today and it is beautiful. It will always remind me of this time that we have worked together to help a friend. Thank you so much for all that you have done. Every little bit is helping.

1 comment:

Nana Sue said...

Well I guess it is official, I will now be known as Nana Sue aka Craft Night Killer!! It was so great to see Drewskee again! He is a handsome dude with a great attitude! Hugs to you Drew!