Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tumor Removal

I met with a new doctor who told me that chemo is not a solution for the kind of cancer I have. He said with sarcomas you have to cut them out. I told him that no one wanted to do the surgery because it was so complex and it wouldn't help my mobility issues because I would lose my vena cava and a kidney. He recommended an end all surgeon.
I met with the surgeon today. To my amazement he thought he could remove my tumor, patch my vena cava (with a crygenically frozen one from a cadaver), and save my kidney by attaching it to a lower point down in my gut somewhere. All the things that the doctors at Huntsman said were impossible. In fact on my way to the appointment Huntsman called and said they would like to try radiation to see if they could shrink the tumor before surgery. I asked this doctor about it and he said we used to do that 20 years ago. That's a disproven method. Huntsman is not where you should be. He said we've done more complex surgeries here than Huntsman ever dreamed of. I begin a new series of tests at St. Marks.


A and R said...

Wow. Always get a second opinion! Amazing the differences between the two hospitals.
Cheers to success!

Still praying for you. (My 6 year old nephew just got diagnosed with Leukemia, so we have been brought to our knees once again.)


Katy said...

Drew - this is amazing. I think the music for the video is perfect.

Sorry to hear about Amber's nephew.

ermakaluso said...

Drew- I have goosebumps and I am so excited for you. What a birthday present. Keep us posted and let us know if we can do anything for you- we love you!!
EB & Marisa

Nana Sue said...

Hey my Drewski, Risa called and read me this awesome news, I too was covered in goosebumps (must run in the family) Please keep us posted, I will drop by and hold your hand if needed!! I love you Drew xoxoxo